Saturday 30 December 2006

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Naziv je knjige , Dale Carnagie, koju ja nekad uzmem, kad me uhvate nezeljene misli (a znaju me dobro uhvatiti), procitam koji odlomak...
Znam se zaglaviti, sam sebe zarobiti, cak i onda kada nemam valjani razlog. Valjda sam takve naravi; brinem i vise nego sto treba. Zanimljivo za knjigu i autora je, sto je napisana prije 70 godina, sto ce reci, da su ljudi uvijek nosili brige u sebi i da se nije nista promjenilo, bez obzira na tehnoloska i druga dostignuca. U covjekovoj prirodi je da brine, neko manje, neko vise, tako da je ova knjiga samo podsjetnik na nesto sto vec znas, samo sto to trebas da i u zivotu primjenis. Manje da brines...

" of the worst feauters about worrying is that it destroys our ability to concentrate..."

"The greatest mistake physicians make is that they attempt to cure body without attempting to cure the mind".

"The Lord may forgive us our sins, but nervous system never does".
William James

" is utterly impossible for any human mind, no matter how brilliant
to think of more than ONE thing at any given time...".

" The secret of being miserable is to have the leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not".
Bernard Shaw

"...we may do something to modify the effects of what happened 180 seconds ago: but we can't possibly change the event that occured than..."

" Our life is what our thoughts make it"
Marcus Aurelius

" The mind is its own place and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven".

" To be wronged or robbed is nothing unless you continue to remeber it".

" We seldom think of what we have but always of what we lack".

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