Saturday 13 January 2007

How to stop worrying and start living...II


"...two man looked out from prison bars; one saw the mud, the other saw the stars..."

"...the most important thing in life is not to capitalize on your gains. Any fool can do that. The really important thing is to profit from your loses. That requires intelligence; and it makes the difference between a man of sense and a fool...".

"When you're good to others, you are best to yourself".
Benjamin Franklin


"The good deed is one that brings a smile of joy to the face of another."
Prophet Mohammed

"Man is not made to understand life, but to live it".

Even if you are not a religious person by nature or training, even if you are an out-and-out sceptic- prayer can help you much more than you believe, for it is a practical thing.
1) Prayer helps us to put into words exactly what is troubling us.
2) Prayer gives us a sense of sharing our burdens, of not being alone.
3) Prayer puts into force an active principle of doing. It's first step forward action.

''...ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find, knock; and it shall be open unto you...".

" Accept a belief in God because we need such a belief".
Immanuel Kant


"...when you are kicked and criticized, remember that it is often done because it gives kicker a feeling of importance...".

"Vulgar people take huge delight in the faults and follies of great man."

" No one but myself can be blamed for my fall. I have been my own greatest enemy-the cause of my own disastrous fate."

"...the biggest risk in life is not taking one..."

"...every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day. Wisdom consists in not exceeding that limits..."

"...have you learned lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you ?
Have you not learned great lessons from those who rejected you, and braced themselves against you, or disputed the passage with you..."
Walt Withman

"...the opinions of our enemies, come nearer to the truth about us than do our own opinions...".


Merima said...

cao, sd.
bas ti hvala sto si podijelio s nama ove rijeci. nemam pojma otkud da se pogodi bas kad neke od njih za mene imaju i neko privatnije znacenje, ali ti se zahvaljujem, jer mi dodu kao slucajna utjeha. i inace rijeci i knjige prave odlicne i pouzdane prijatelje. i pouce stosta, ali svi mi svakako naucimo samo koliko potencijala imamo.

mene cesto nervira kad naknadno vidim da sam pravila stamparske greske, takozvane lapsus tastaturae :D. zato ti zelim skrenuti paznju na par ocito slucajnih greskica, bice ti ih lakse ispraviti:
-fali 'n' u drugom pasusu u difference
-your u recenici iza je vjerovatno you're.
-u napoleonovoj misli, can be je greskom sastavljeno i r je umjesto e.

ne moras ovaj komentar ni objavljivati, uopste nije bitan. samo mi je odavde lakse bilo da ovo napisem.
malo zurim, pa izvini i pitaj slobodno preko maila ako sam sta gdje smrsila nejasno ili rekla ruzno. moje su namjere dobre, sto se ne moze uvijek reci za moje izrazavanje.:D
puno pozdrava i citamo se, pisemo se, virtualni druze.

sretno dijete said...

Ispravio...Hvala sto si mi ukazala na greske. Uvijek, bez ustrucavanja, reci, jer nekad mi promakne, a i komentari sluze za to, zar ne?
Btw, nisu lose izreke, jelde?