Saturday 3 February 2007

What color is your parachute ?


What does "mastering" the job-hunt mean? Well, it means trying to understand the nature of "the beast" (the job-hunt)-its laws, its behaviour, what you don't have any control over, and much more importantly-what you do have control over, even when you think you don't; what works, what doesn't work, the odds, what best pays off an investment of your time, what doesn't pay off very well, or not at all; how to build up your selfi-esteem, how to find out why you're here; and how to triumph in life.

"He or she who gets hired is not necessarily the one who can do job best; but, the one who knows the most about how to get hired".

"There is no wrong way to hunt for a job. Anything may work. There are only degrees of likelihood...
There is no right way to hunt for a job. Anything may fail. There are only degrees of likelihood...".

" the job-hunt, as in life, hope is everthing. It is the one factor that keeps you going when all else fails...".

"...we must always remember that there are two actors on the stage, in any job-hunt: You and Employers...".

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