Uzivam u kafi i gledam bjelinu ispred sebe. Magla se zanimljivo krece. Sporo se cini, ali ipak, brzo prolazi, mijenja oblike. Jutro je prohladno. Svjez zrak sa planine pruza mi signal. Vracam se u sobu, zatvaram vrata balkona, ostavljam pogled iza sebe. Magla nestaje...
it's pretty foggy there nowadays.
here it's raining and pouring, and I feeeeeel sad. :(
btw, I'm almost done with the Travnik Chronicle. it goes slowly because I'm reading as usual too many books at the same time and I can't actually...
I love Andric's literature?
what about you?
Is he an author you had to study at school?
I'm curious, sorry if I bother you.
Hi Lesha,
First fo all, you don't bother me at all...never.
At the moment, I don't read anything but I have same problem as you do.
I begin reading a few books at the same time and it takes me for a while to finish them.
Speaking of the Balkan literature, I prefer Mesa Selimovic and Miroslav Krleza more than Andric.They are differnet in style but both have a psychological approach to details and human(balkan) traits.
there must be Italian translation of selimovic but I don't know anything about krleza. but I'll look for their books and read them for sure.
thank for the advice.
have a nice weekend
Hi Lesha,
Krleza is one of the most prominent southslavic(croatian) literature figures, especially, between two World Wars.
For an average Bosnian, Selimovic is considered a cultural icon.
Speaking of Serbian writers, I like Danilo Kis and Borislav Pekic . They belong to younger generation than Krleza, Andric and Selimovic.
If you're interested in a modern southslavic literature(Balkan/Bosnian), I would recommend you Miljenko Jergovic and Aleksandar Hemon. They're both from Sarajevo with a specific style and their books are translated worldwide. Enjoy...
Have a good weekend
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