Wednesday 28 November 2007

Russell Peters...VI

Gay Parade


Lesha said...

I went to gay pride last summer in Rome. I had much fun, but my partner has been (not kindly)invited to leave the lesbian part of the parade, because nor woman nor gay. as for me I could stay because I'm a woman but I should live because not lesbian. we decided to join this part because of good music, actually. anyway we were totally upset and indignated by the request and the discrimination. we've been discriminated while fighting against gays discrimination!!!
world's crazy

sretno dijete said...

There's a annual gay pride parade in Vancouver as well. I was last year (as a spectator...don't get me out of curiosity.

You were in Rome? That's different. Don't go too often over there. The sin city. You now how it ended flames. I mean, an ancient Rome.
Speaking of Rome, have you seen BBC series "Rome"? If you haven't seen yet, it is a must. One of the best TV-shows in a recent years.