Sunday 2 December 2007


Potato Gnocchi with Veal and Red Wine Sauce

Well, what do you say? My dinner from yesterday. I made it by myself. There's an Italian chef hidden inside me...delizioso.


Anonymous said...

yummi! it looks delicious
Is this an Italian recipe? gosh, there are countless compositions of ingredients.
did you make gnocchi yourself? or just bought and boiled them and cooked the sauce?
I LOVE gnocchi, especcially with gorgonzola cheese or simply with tomato sauce

buon appettito!

sretno dijete said...

There's no receipe for it. This is my own creation. Gnocchi "carnivore" balcanico...
Stewed veal cooked with cumin and a red wine.
Gnocchi themselves, I didn' make it. I bought them in nearby Italian deli store.They have homemade pasta and gnocchi with potato, spinich...always fresh.

Lesha said...

good idea!
I'll try it. I suggest also to do also gnocchi by yourself, it's easy and also fun.

I'll have a snack, I'm hungry now...

Anonymous said...

Nadam se da su ono u tanjiru dvije porcije lol. Inace ja najvise volim njoke na dosta putera i zalfije, sto bi tvoje kolege talijani rekli al burro e salvia, pa sa dosta parmezana...yum. Ostatak moje familije ih voli samo sa ragu sosom. Eto sad mi valja pravit njoke...:)

sretno dijete said...

Ciao Mirela,

Ono u tanjiru je za cetiri osobe, sta cu kad ne znam kuhati za
Imam ja dobar recept za njoke, jedino uzima dosta vremena za pripremu, pravljenje, znas kako to vec ide...
Najbolji su sa parmezanom ili kremastim paradajz sosem, jer su njoki sami po sebi dovoljno jaki.
A ovu kreaciju sa dinstanom teletinom, nije zdravo, ma pusti mene, oci gladne... Otisao u italijansku radnju i ko malo dijete, nikad izaci iz nje.

sretno dijete said...

Ciao Lesha,

I know how to make gnocchi and I ve'got a good receipe as well. Only, it takes time to make them and it's a pretty messy.
These ones are as tasty as some Italian homemade. Well, they're from an Italian store...