Wednesday 26 November 2008

Something is not right with me

Ja sam dobro, ovo je naziv pjesme, a grupa je Cold War Kids. Surfam netom i zadrzavam se na njihovim video radovima. Sound je zanimljiv takodjer. Odgovara mi...trenutno.

Interesanto, moram reci, ali meni treba nesto drugo. Ova fraza da sam dobar neka ostane samo na frazi. Znam ja da nisam. Sta mi treba, sta mi treba nije kicme disciplina nego ogoljeli zvuk i lirika bez puno razmisljanja. Aha, evo moje ludacice:
"...I can't believe life's so complex
when I just wanna' sit here and watch you undress...".

PJ odi SD ponina...


Lesha said...

what what what??
they stole from the queen?!?

PJ rules.
(look at her shoes, I would kill for them ;)))

sretno dijete said...

Didn't pay attention at her attention wandered somewhere else...

Anonymous said...

how can men be so superficial!

sretno dijete said...

Me Balcanico superficial...nooooooo

I just needed some raw energy and a few simple words of love.
I got it from her:
"'re the only story that I never told
you're my dirty little secret, wanna' keep you so..."


P.S I'm are expression of her personality.